Celebrate 150 years
of the Splendor of the Southside!
Join us as we celebrate our anniversary from August 2022-June 2023!
Don’t miss any 150th News!
Stay up to date with the latest updates of our 150th Year:
Year-long party

January 8, 2023
150th Anniversary Mass
Join Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades, Fr. Patrick Hake, and former pastors of Saint Peter’s for this special celebratory Mass in honor of the 150th anniversary of our parish!

February 18, 2023
The Art & Beauty of Saint Peter’s
This collaboration with the Fort Wayne Museum of Art will feature a cocktail hour and entertainment, as well as docent-led tours of the church. Researchers from FWMoA are currently uncovering facts and details of the artwork, statues, and beauty of Saint Peter’s — to be revealed at this must-attend event!
Becoming Catholic is one of life’s most profound and joyous experiences. Some are blessed enough to receive this great gift while they are infants, and, over time, they recognize the enormous grace that has been bestowed on them. Others enter the Catholic fold when they are older children or adults.