Do I Belong?

I’ve heard the Catholic Church doesn’t welcome everyone. Is that true?

Sadly, there are many people who have experienced a sense of being un-welcome in a previous Catholic parish. If that happened to you, we’re sorry that occurred.

All of God’s children (including you) are welcome in His family of faith, the Church. Because of His deep love for each of us, He calls us to continued conversion and deeper intimacy with Him. For all of us, that means turning away from sin and receiving His grace to become (please God) saints in Heaven.


I am divorced

Divorce is a difficult and painful experience. God desires to walk with you through your grief and suffering. You are certainly welcome here. As Catholics, we believe the Eucharist is a sacred gift, so if you’re striving to live a chaste, celibate lifestyle, and living in a state of grace, you are welcome to receive the Eucharist at Mass. If not, worship with us and refrain from receiving Communion. We also encourage you to discuss your situation with our Pastor, Father Patrick.

I struggle with addiction

The Lord longs to meet you in your struggle of addiction. He is happy that you are even here, on this web page right now. No matter the type of addiction you struggle with (alcohol, drugs, sex, pornography), there are communities of people who can support you. Contact Father Patrick below to learn more.

I am a single parent

The beauty of parenthood can seem like a paradox some days, not to mention for a single parent! There is grace for you that God desires, as you raise your child(ren) to be clsoe to Jesus. Need support? Just let us know below. In the meantime, please know you are welcome in our parish.

I’m not sure what I believe

Belief in God is an ongoing pursuit for all of us. Maybe you never had a faith of any kind. Maybe you grew up Catholic and drifted away for a season of your life. No matter what your story is, you’re welcome to come learn about the truth, beauty and goodness found in the Catholic Church.

I’m pregnant and not married

The Lord desires a unique closeness to you, as a mother. The gift of pregnancy is the beginning of a new life (not just for your child, but for you as well). We hope to see you at Mass soon. We’ll be glad to see you and journey with you and your baby!

I’ve experienced an abortion

You are precious in God’s eyes. His love for you is far greater than any sin we can commit. He gave us so many ways to reconcile with Himself, and they’re very much available to you, as are these healing resources at Rachel’s Vineyard. Or, talk with Father Patrick, scroll to the bottom of this page and send a note. 

I struggle with depression and anxiety

More and more, people all over the world (and right here in our parish) live with the suffering of these issues. You are not alone. As Saint Augustine wrote centuries ago, “Our hearts are restless until they rest in Thee, O Lord.” God desires a deep peace for you. Come home to the Sacraments and continue your journey to knowing Him more.

I’m feeling the weight of past mistakes

Welcome to the club! Guilt and shame can become heavy burdens for any of us with a pulse. God desires you to receive His limitless mercy and forgiveness, and learn that forgiving yourself is a large part of that journey. Come to Confession before Mass — you are always welcome.


Becoming Catholic is one of life’s most profound and joyous experiences. Some are blessed enough to receive this great gift while they are infants, and, over time, they recognize the enormous grace that has been bestowed on them. Others enter the Catholic fold when they are older children or adults.

Join us at Saint Peter’s
Catholic Church!